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 Price list

This price list is just a quick reference. If you are interested in more detailed descriptions take a look at the menu bar above, choose the category, click, and you will find more information on each of our offerings. Please contact us with any questions. 

Coaching Price List 

​Check Calendar For Availability

Dietary Transition

Initial Consultation .....................................  $40.00

Follow Up ........................................................ $35.00

Weekly ........................................................... $150.00

Monthly ........................................................ $500.00
Life Journey

Initial Consultation .....................................  $40.00

Follow Up ........................................................ $35.00

Weekly ........................................................... $150.00

Monthly ........................................................ $500.00

Initial Consultation .....................................  $30.00
Follow Up .......................................................  $25.00

Weekly ..........................................................  $200.00

Monthly .......................................................  $600.00

Sista Cycle .....................................  $100.00
Waistbeads .....................................  $50.00
Mothers, Daughters, &Mooncycles

                 Mother & Daughter.....................  $75.00

                 Additional Daughter....................  $10.00
House Blessing/Cleansing.................  $75.00
Individual Cleansing..........................  $75.00
​Chakra Yoga ....................................  $100.00

Individual Cleansing

​Contact Us To Schedule Your Appointment
House Cleansing Blessing
​Contact Us To Schedule Your Appointment
Ra Sekhi (Kemetic Reiki)

Services included in this package:
Basic Chakra Reading
Herbal Bath Preparation

Mate cleansed at time of service $25

Children cleansed at time of service are free
.....................................  $75.00

Services included in this package:
Reading of each room

Cleansing and sweetening of family is free
.....................................  $200.00


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